I’d like to share with you a few simple wealth building concepts that have worked extremely well for me. Just as building a plan is important to condition yourself for success, of equal importance is developing the correct mindset.
Mindset One Aiming For Your Own Business Instead Of Being An Employee
Have you heard the common belief that a job is far more secure than having your own business? For some reason this myth is conditioned into many people, usually from a young age. Yes, a job provides a stable and predictable income but more secure than having your own business? I don’t think so…and allow me to elaborate.
As someone who lives in the UK and who has worked in one of the worlds leading investment banks I am only too well aware of how fickle “job security” actually is. You see, as an employee your entire purpose is to create or save revenues for the company. There is nothing wrong with that of course, but let’s analyse it from your point of view shall we? As an employee you can never expect to earn the actual value that you make or save for your company. Most of your efforts will be reaped by shareholders of the organization you work for…people who you do not even know. When the going is good the most you can expect a modest pay-rise/bonus now and again and the odd promotion (that brings even greater responsibility).
But when the times get hard you may notice that not only does your pay-rise stop but in many cases you are required to work even harder. That’s if you’re lucky. Unfortunately for many people, they quickly find that job security simply does not exist many will face redundancy at some point in their life. Then what? They have only one skill chances are if the company they work for is shedding jobs so will others in the same industry.
All of a sudden the employee who thought they were safe in a decent job is left on the shelf fighting to get another elusive jobs among hundreds (sometimes more) of competing employees. Where is the security there?
Then there is the small matter of tax. As an employee you will earn money, get taxed on your earnings and then use whatever is left to pay for living expenses and so on. Not so for the business owner (I am talking about the UK here and I suspect the US too). You see, a business is one of the secret weapons of the rich. A business makes revenues (the equivalent of an employees salary) and then deducts every possible expense related to that revenue before paying even a penny of tax. Can you see the beauty of this? Just a few things that can be written off against business profits include the following:
• Computers & equipment required for your home business.
• Travel costs (including local plus international flights/hotel when used for business purposes).
• Broadband costs.
• Office space.
• Entertainment expenses if your business involves courting new clients.
• Employee salary (you may work for your business and thus are entitled to pay yourself a salary).
An employee could never do this. For example, even if as an employee you have a PC you cannot write it off against your income tax. There is an outstanding book called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” that I strongly recommend that you get hold of. Read it once, twice, several times even. The basic premise of the book is the following…the poor and middle classes work for companies while the rich own companies.
Mindset Two – Multiple Streams Of Income Are Far Better Than Just One
We are fortunate enough to live in an age where almost anyone can set-up highly profitable income streams from their own study room. What is the most re
producing a large income stream? Have a number of different income streams all pulling in some cash for you each and everyday. This is very achievable and also presents a lot of security (in case in the future one of the income streams dries up).
Mindset Three Education, Education, Education!
You know the old saying “knowledge is power?” it has never been more true, especially as we are now firmly entrenched in the “information age”. The simple fact is that the more you educate yourself on different ways of making money, the more successful you will become at acquiring it. You are reading a really premium resource on ways of making money from home but even after you have finished reading, make it a point to continue your education on a regular basis. I know of some people who make absolute fortunes online and they all share one interesting characteristic the desire to learn more about the various ways of earning an income. Adopt this mentality and it will be only a matter of time before success and wealth hounds you down and forces itself on you. If you do thrive on video tutorials then check out some of these incredible online video tutorials. They would cost you over $200 if purchased separately (but are part of your membership with Instant Home Wealth).
Now we’re going to look at some of the proven ways that we can use to create income streams online, and from home.
Mindset Four Develop A Winning Mind
This one is huge the power of thought is absolutely incredible. If harnessed correctly, it WILL provide you with everything you could possibly ask for in life. Conversely, if used negatively it has the power to crush even the mightiest person.
Have you heard of a fellow named Jim Edwards? He is a very successful and influential online guru who has made a fortune earning a living using the power of the internet. A short while ago I signed up to his audio course called “Guaranteed Success Thinking”. This course shows anyone how to think their way to success. As Jim himself says, this information should really be sold at $29 at least however you can get hold of it for free below: liable and easiest way of

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