How many people do you know who say things such as “if only I had known, I would have done things differently” – they may mean it any number of contexts…their careers, their marriage, choice of team to support…etc
The fact is you don’t need a crystal ball to do things and create a happy ending for yourself. This is a huge world and there are opportunities to suit everyone when it comes to creating home income streams. The very fact that you wish to create an income from home for yourself suggests that you already have a broad vision of how you would like to earn money. Your biggest challenge now is to find something that suits you down to the ground…and of course avoid the masses of junk-information regarding earning from home.
There really ARE a huge number of ways of making money at home. Want to know the simple criteria I put in place to analyse a potential home income stream? Here’s what I look out for:
1. The income stream should be easy to understand and should be available to set-up from home. Once set-up, there should be relatively little maintenance required – the money should start coming in almost on auto-pilot. With some (still promising) home income streams this is not always possible but it’s a real plus when you set something up and then sit back and watch it earn cash for you day in, day out.
2. There should be a very good future for the potential home income stream – is it in a thriving industry? Is it an in demand niche? You do not want to pour your efforts into something that ultimately, will not sell or create an income for you. Research is very important here and must be done before you get your feet wet.
3. Preferably, the home income opportunity should be something that is not so over-exposed that everyone has heard of it (and is trying). The lesser known opportunities are often goldmines of income, but that’s not to say the more popular and known methods cannot be used as well.
4. The start-up and maintenance costs should be as close to zero as possible. It should not cost you a fortune to start up and operate the home business. Pick up a business opportunity paper such as “Daltons” and you will discover no end of franchise and business opportunities – I’m sure a lot of them are genuine but many cost several thousand dollars and more just to start up. The beauty of the internet is that you can set-up and operate a business from home at a tiny fraction of that.
5. The opportunity must be fully operable from home. No need to get hold of special grounds, an office e.t.c.
6. The income opportunity must be GLOBAL – you should be able to operate the business no matter where in the world you are.
You may want to add in your own criteria to the above (perhaps you need a business that can be done on a part time basis and so on). However, when you find a genuine home income opportunity that satisfies these criteria you may want to jump on it faster than a flea on a wet dog.

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