El Orfanato (2007) DVDRip en mediafire
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 13:26 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: DVDRip . los films
Need for Speed Carbon Español (PC-GAME) en mediafire
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 12:36 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: juegos pc
Adobe Photoshop CS2 ESPAÑOL con Menú en mediafire
el Photoshop CS2. es el más fácil qué he usado te sale como con un Menú para Instalarlo muy Practico
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 12:21 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Programas de Diseño
Imperium III
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 11:55 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: juegos pc
Windows XP Service Pack 3 Estilo MAC Español
. Net Framework 1.1 SP1 (+Up)
. Net Framework 2 (+Up)
. Adobe Reader 8 (Lite)
. VLC Player
. CCleaner 2.07
. UltraISO
. DVD Shrink
. Everest Ultimate Edition
. Internet Explorer 7 (+ 4 Up) Autoinstalado por defecto
. Java RE Version 6 Up2
. K-Lite Codec Pack Standard
. Live Messenger 8.5
. Msn Plus + Clonador (Abrir varios Msn)
. Microsoft Office 2003 SP3 (OGA + Up)
. Mozilla Firefox + Plugins
. Nero Burning Rom 8.3 Lite
. NOD32 Antivirus System 3.0.650
. Windows Media Player 11 Autoinstalado por defecto
. PowerDVD 7 Deluxe
. Shockwave 10
. TuneUp Utilities 2008
. Unlocker
. uTorrent 1.7.7
. Winamp 5.3 Pro + MMD3 Theme
. WinRAR 3.71
. Mac Transformation Pack (Instalacion Manual)
. Ares 2.0.9
. Flash 9
- Desactivar la barra de idioma
- Activar Auto-Arranque CD/USB
- Activar carpeta TEMP clásica
- Activar la cuenta de Administrador
- Activar Restaurar Sistema
- Activar IMAPI - Grabador Windows XP
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 13:35 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Sistemas Operativos
Eagle Eye (2008)
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 13:14 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: DVDRip . los films
Driver compaq presario F754LA y F752LA
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 13:02 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: drivers . los controladores
Tu página web: la base
La primera parte de este manual será la página web. Es aquí dondeempieza todo y es realmente complicado hacer negocios en Internet sin tenerla.
Pensemos en la frase 'navegar por Internet'. Esto alude al hecho de que tanta gente llega a una página web, echa un vistazo y se larga a otro sitio fácilmente.
Si tú no tienes algo para retener a ese visitante lo habrás perdido, para siempre probablemente. Hoy en día hay cientos de miles de páginas web, por lo tanto es importantísimo que la nuestra sea mejor que las demás.
Veamos cuáles son los principios de una buena página web
* Tiene que estar bien organizada y fácil de usar. Mantén tu página principal (la página de entrada a tu página web) simple, con el diseño de la tabla de contenidos simple y fácil de usar. Usa palabras simples y párrafos cortos para mantener al visitante interesado.
* Fácil de navegar. Pongamos iconos o links (enlaces) a la página principal en todas las sub páginas, así la gente no necesita usar el botón de adelante y atrás en el navegador.
* Poner alternativas de texto en nuestros gráficos para que se visualicen mientras se cargan los gráficos. Hay gente que navega también con la característica de no ver gráficos para agilizar las cargas de las páginas web.
* Simplicidad. Es importante mantener un lenguaje sencillo para que lo pueda entender cualquiera.
No debemos tratar de impresionar a nadie con vocablos altisonantes. La principal misión es comunicar, no mostrar lo sofisticados que somos y las palabras tan complicadas que sabemos usar, eso hará que mucha gente se desconecte, con lo cual perderemos visitantes.
Podemos tener un gran producto o servicio, pero nadie lo comprará si no saben claramente lo que tú ofreces o no pueden entender el beneficio que ellos obtendrán si lo compran. Cuando alguien visita nuestra página web no tienen ni idea de quién somos o qué ofrecemos. Es nuestra obligación dejar esto bien claro en un período de tiempo muy corto.
Es mejor pasarse aclarando cosas que quedarse corto. Pongamos frases cortas y precisas con un diseño consistente (parecido) en todas las subpáginas.
* Tiempo de carga rápido. Todo el mundo no está usando un módem de 56k o una línea digital. La mayoría están usando modems de 28k y mucha gente de 14k.
¿Esperarías cuatro o cinco minutos a que una página web se cargara cuando tienes tantas otras opciones para visitar? Por supuesto que no. La página de Yahoo! (c) tarda 6 segundos en un módem de 28k, es la página más visitada de la web, entre otras cosas por la simplicidad de diseño y por la rapidez de carga.
Usa los gráficos imprescindibles pero no dejes que predominen en tu página web. Tardan mucho en cargarse.
El factor tiempo es importante porque como dijimos antes la gente en Internet es muy impaciente. Si tu página web lleva mas tiempo de la cuenta en cargarse es muy fácil para el visitante con un par de clicks estar en otra página web de la competencia. Ajusta tu web en
Estos servicios te proporcionan un informe de tiempo de carga, tamaño, compatibilidad de navegadores etc.
* Contenido, información, no imágenes. Mucha gente usa gráficos animados y programas (scripts) en Java que dan una gran vistosidad y atractivo a nuestra página web.
Esto no sólo incrementa los tiempos de carga, sino que distrae al visitante de nuestro verdadero mensaje.
Estos gráficos a veces dificultan la comunicación. La gente va a Internet muchas veces por información, debemos asegurarnos que comunicamos lo que tenemos que comunicar al visitante y no llenamos nuestra página web de gráficos.
Siempre se ha dicho que una imagen vale por mil palabras, pues bien, en Internet esto no funciona.
Truco de tráfico
Vamos a ver ahora en otro orden de cosas pero dentro de lo que es el diseño de nuestra web, un truco que funciona muy bien para generar tráfico. Todo visitante de su sitio web tiene el potencial de ayudarle a generar tráfico adicional, recomendando su sitio web a amigos o conocidos. Sin embargo, muchos no lo hacen, por el tiempo que ello implica. Con este truco esta labor se vuelve muy sencilla. Basta con hacer click en
Esto "construye" un email con el Asunto: Visita esta web:interesante, y en el cuerpo del mensaje ponemos nuestra web. El interesado sólo tiene que seleccionar el email del destinatario. Son las palabras las que venden, no los gráficos.
* Venta fácil. Haz que el proceso de venta sea fácil si estás vendiendo algo. Asegúrate de que dejas bien claros los beneficios de tu producto o servicio y las formas de hacer pedido están bien claras. Antes de ofrecer al visitante que nos compre tenemos que haberle dado una imagen de credibilidad y confianza. Luego hay que mostrar varias formas de pago, tanto online como tradicional.
Muchas veces el usuario quiere ver el teléfono de pedidos o la dirección sólo para coger confianza aunque luego haga el pedido online con la tarjeta. No pongas trabas. Antes en la página de Apple Ó (sí, Apple) se obligaba al comprador a bajarse un programa e instalarlo en el ordenador para efectuar el proceso de compra. Esto es echar clientes fuera. A veces las grandes empresas también tienen cosas que mejorar en sus página web.
¿Por qué unas páginas web tardan tanto en cargarse cuando hay otras que se cargan tan rápido? Esto es debido al diseño de la página web. El factor tiempo es muy importante y debemos 'aligerar' al máximo nuestras páginas web (al menos la principal, luego una vez 'enganchado' el
visitante podemos permitirnos algunos gráficos mas).
¿Cómo podemos agilizar el tiempo de carga de nuestra página web?
1.- Reduciendo el tamaño de los gráficos de nuestra página web. Hay una herramienta que nos permite reducir el tamaño de los ficheros gif optimizando los colores. Se encuentra en:
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 12:38 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Marketing
USB de voltaje y corriente Tester!
Paso 1: Piezas!
Perdón, Las fotos de este paso no fue.
Paso 2: Montar + ENSAYO
Paso 3: Glue que cachorro!
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 7:36 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: project electronico
Matriz de puntos tarjeta de visita
Paso 1: Acerca del Diseño
descarga MatrixSchematic.pdf
descarga MatrixPCB.pdf
descarga MatrixPCBMirrored.pdf
Paso 3: Soldadura Comienza!
La soldadura de los componentes en la placa, empezando por los más pequeños en primer lugar (Consulte las fotos). Un par de pinzas es útil aquí - por poner una nota de la soldadura sobre una almohadilla y, a continuación, re-fusión, mientras que el posicionamiento de las resistencias o condensadores con las pinzas, puede perfectamente añadir estos pequeños componentes. No importa que forma en torno a estos componentes van, pero sí para el PIC (que debe leer con el escrito la forma correcta como se muestra en estas fotos), y también de los indicadores LED se debe poner alrededor de la manera correcta. Es difícil de decir con los LEDs que se forma en torno a que ir - el principio de conexión debe ser el positivo (o "ánodo"). Usted puede decirle a través de la consulta la hoja informativa para el LED - uno de los dos conduce normalmente será marcado de alguna manera. Una forma más fácil es a veces una prueba de ellos vinculados por un par de cables a una pequeña batería de 1.5V y, a continuación, tocar la lleva en los extremos de los LED - si es la manera correcta de todo, debería ver un resplandor, pero Si se utiliza una única batería de 1.5V, será extremadamente débil, por lo que tendrá que observar cuidadosamente. Una vez más, un tutorial sobre la soldadura no se encuentra dentro del ámbito de aplicación de este artículo - que hice advertir que esta no es una principiante del proyecto, por lo que no hacen de este uno de su primera aventura en la superficie de montaje de soldadura! Tenga en cuenta que los LEDs son soldadas inicialmente sólo en su parte inferior de plomo - vamos a utilizar más tarde algunos cables para conectar su parte superior lleva.
descarga MatrixCode.zip
Paso 6: Fuera de acabado
Para encapsular el prototipo, He aplicado algunos de espuma de doble cara cinta a la Junta, que resultó al revés y, a continuación, cortar el exceso de compensación. I-luego invertir el gráfico impreso en una superposición de transparencia OHP hoja. Girando sobre la hoja, y adjuntar una etiqueta de color blanco impresora, puede obtener la clara iconos de la transparencia se presenta de color blanco. También se adjunta una hoja de polipropileno de espesor (como hizo una cobertura de los documentos vinculantes) a la superposición de la utilización de algunas spray adhesivo, antes vinculados a la parte frontal de la tarjeta y recortar el exceso de despegue. Si desea utilizar el mismo gráfico como el mío, que también está disponible en esta página como un PDF.
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 7:39 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: project electronico
Understanding Java ME
In addition to its configuration and profile, a Java ME–capable device may also have a set of optional application programming interfaces (APIs) available. Some are proprietary, but many are standard. Standard optional APIs are defined in Java Specification Requests (JSRs), which are
submitted, reviewed, and published through the Java Community Process (JCP). You can download the precise specifications for any JSR (free) from the JCP web site (http://jcp.org/). CLDC, CDC, and MIDP are all defined as JSRs through the Java Community Process.
How the CLDC Differs from the Rest of the Java Universe
If you’re coming to Java ME from a background of programming for Java Standard Edition (Java SE) or Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE), things should look pretty familiar, but just a little bit different. It’s like Java in a parallel universe where everything has been streamlined to be as small and efficient as possible. You have fewer tools at your disposal in terms of built-in libraries, and you need to place greater priority on writing tight, efficient code than a Java SE or Java EE developer would. Those are already good reasons to switch to Java ME if you’re one of those people who loves a good challenge. Another motivation for making the switch to Micro Edition is that the applications are so small that you typically get to design most or all of the program yourself instead of being a cog writing a part of an obscure module.
Differences in the JVM
active threads! The garbage collection algorithm is already expensive, and this method clearly undermines its efficiency by obligating the JVM to recheck objects that had already been marked as garbage. It’s no wonder this method was eliminated in CLDC, since it’s not hard at all to keep track of the objects that you’re still using without requiring the JVM to check with you before throwing anything away.
Between CLDC Threads and Threads in Standard Java” section in Chapter 4 for information about threads. The changes in the error-handling system are that CLDC doesn’t allow asynchronous exceptions and that the set of error classes has been greatly reduced. Instead of 22 possible errors, you now have only OutOfMemoryError, VirtualMachineError, and Error. On the other hand, almost all the exceptions in the java.lang.* package have been retained.
You may not notice a few changes to the JVM just by looking at the API. In CLDC, the JVM is allowed to perform some optimizations (such as prelinking classes) that were disallowed to the standard JVM. Such changes shouldn’t concern the application programmer in general. The one exception is that an additional preverification stage has been added after compilation. The preverification process adds extra information to the class file to make the bytecode verification
algorithm easier at runtime when the device checks that your class file is valid before using it. You easily accomplish the preverification step with standard tools (see the “Using KToolbar” section and the “Building with Ant” sidebar later in this chapter). Preverification isn’t technically required 100 percent of the time, but it aids in compatibility, and there’s no reason not to do it.
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 5:23 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Creating Mobile Games
-- This small backyard pond offers many subjects to photograph. Being close to home, it is easy to pick the best light to shoot in.
-- This frog was sunning on a rock on the edge of the pond shown in the preceding photo.
Photo Tip!
When you find a good place to take photographs, visit it again and again. Your photographs will improve each time that you return to the location because you will learn when to visit and what to shoot.
Some of the best photo opportunities may be in your own backyard. Learn to see differently and look for details, shapes, or colors that make good photographs and then capture them.
Use the Internet to learn where and when to shoot. There are many online guides and forums that provide all the information you need to find wonderful places and subjects to shoot that will suit your interests.
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 4:51 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Digital Photography
KNOW WHY you are taking photos
image editor such as Adobe Photoshop after you take them?
Your answers to these questions and others like them will have a substantial impact on how you should shoot. Knowing why you are taking photos before you take them can help you get the photos that you want. For example, suppose you make a once-in-a-lifetime trip and get excellent pictures. You then decide to make a calendar but cannot find enough photos to fit the horizontal format that you have chosen. Thinking about why you are taking the photographs and how they are likely to be viewed can help you to better plan your photographs.
taken so that it could be used in
a variety of media.
photo to be displayed in a Web
browser-based photo gallery.
Vertical orientation and
composition makes it
possible to frame this
photo in standard-sized
photo frames and mat
left side of the photo to be used for the
magazine’s cover text.
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 7:07 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Digital Photography
The lnternet and e-commerce
The Internet service provider or ISP is the organization that provides you with Internet access. You register and open an account, then they give you an email address so that you can communicate by email with other users. (See Unit 53) Some ISPs have their own content - news, information and so on - but many do not. After you log on by entering your user name and password (a secret word that only you know), you can surf to any site on the World Wide Web. If you're looking for a site about a particular subject, you can use a search engine like Google or Yahoo. When you've finished, remember to log off for security reasons.
My name's John, and I own a chain of sports shops. Last year, I started an e-commerce operation, selling goods over the Internet. We've done well. Visitors don't have trouble finding what they want, adding items to their shopping cart and paying for them securely by credit card. Last year we had two million unique users (different individual visitors) who generated 35 million hits or page views. That means our web pages were viewed a total of 35 million times! E-commerce or e-tailing has even acted as a form of advertising and increased levels of business in our traditional bricks-and-mortar shops! Pure Internet commerce operations are very difficult. To succeed, I think you need a combination of traditional retailing and e-commerce: clicks-andmortar. In our case, this has also helped us solve the last mile problem, the physical delivery of goods to Internet customers: we just deliver from our local stores!
B2B, B2C and B2G
Selling to the public on the Internet is business-to-consumer or B2C e-commerce. Some experts think that the real future of e-commerce is going to be business-to-business or B2B, with firms ordering from suppliers over the Internet. This is e-procurement.
Businesses can also use the Internet to communicate with government departments, apply for government contracts and pay taxes: business-to-government or B2G.
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 6:23 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: The lnternet and e-commerce
Marketing is the process of planning, designing, pricing, promoting and distributing ideas, goods and services, in order to satisfy customer needs, so as to make a profit. Companies point out how the special characteristics or features of their products and services possess particular benefits that satisfy the needs of the people who buy them. Non-profit organizations have other, social, goals, such as persuading people not to smoke, or to give money to people in poor countries, but these organizations also use the techniques of marketing.
In some places, even organizations such as government departments are starting to talk about, or at least think about their activities in terms of the marketing concept.
The four PS
The four PS are
product: deciding what to sell
price: deciding what prices to charge
place: deciding how it will be distributed
and where people will buy it
promotion: deciding how the product will
be supported with advertising, special
activities, etc.
A fifth P which is sometimes added is packaging: all the materials used to protect and present a product before it is sold.
The four PS are a useful summary of the marketing mix, the activities that you have to combine successfully in order to sell. The Promotion next four units look at these activities in detail. To market a product is to make a plan based on this combination and put it into action. A marketer or marketeer is someone who works in this area. (Marketer can also be used to describe an organization that sells particular goods or services.)
Market orientation
Marketers often talk about market orientation: the fact that everything they do is designed to meet the needs of the market. They may describe themselves as marketdriven, market-led or market-oriented. Most people and many managers do not understand the role of marketing in modem business.
Marketing is two things. First, it is a strategy and set of techniques to sell an organization's products or services. This involves choosing target customers and designing a persuasive marketing mix to get them to buy. The mix may include a range of brands, tempting prices, convenient sales outlets and a battery of advertising and promotions. This concept of marketing as selling and persuasion is by far the most popular idea among both managers and the public.
The second, and by far more important concept of marketing, focuses on improving the reality of what is on offer. It is based on understanding customers' needs and developing new solutions which are better than those currently available. Doing this is not a marketing department problem, but For example, for Rover to beat Mercedes for the consumer's choice involves engineering new models, developing lean manufacturing processes, and restructuring its dealer network. one which involves the whole organization
Creating company-wide focus on the customer requires the continual acquisition of new skills and technology. Marketing is rarely effective as a business function. As the chief executive of Hewlett Packard put it: 'Marketing
is too important to leave to the marketing department.' Such companies understand that everybody's task is marketing. This concept of marketing offering real customer value is what business is all about.
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 6:09 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Marketing and market orientation
I’d like to share with you a few simple wealth building concepts that have worked extremely well for me. Just as building a plan is important to condition yourself for success, of equal importance is developing the correct mindset.
Mindset One Aiming For Your Own Business Instead Of Being An Employee
Have you heard the common belief that a job is far more secure than having your own business? For some reason this myth is conditioned into many people, usually from a young age. Yes, a job provides a stable and predictable income but more secure than having your own business? I don’t think so…and allow me to elaborate.
As someone who lives in the UK and who has worked in one of the worlds leading investment banks I am only too well aware of how fickle “job security” actually is. You see, as an employee your entire purpose is to create or save revenues for the company. There is nothing wrong with that of course, but let’s analyse it from your point of view shall we? As an employee you can never expect to earn the actual value that you make or save for your company. Most of your efforts will be reaped by shareholders of the organization you work for…people who you do not even know. When the going is good the most you can expect a modest pay-rise/bonus now and again and the odd promotion (that brings even greater responsibility).
But when the times get hard you may notice that not only does your pay-rise stop but in many cases you are required to work even harder. That’s if you’re lucky. Unfortunately for many people, they quickly find that job security simply does not exist many will face redundancy at some point in their life. Then what? They have only one skill chances are if the company they work for is shedding jobs so will others in the same industry.
Then there is the small matter of tax. As an employee you will earn money, get taxed on your earnings and then use whatever is left to pay for living expenses and so on. Not so for the business owner (I am talking about the UK here and I suspect the US too). You see, a business is one of the secret weapons of the rich. A business makes revenues (the equivalent of an employees salary) and then deducts every possible expense related to that revenue before paying even a penny of tax. Can you see the beauty of this? Just a few things that can be written off against business profits include the following:
• Computers & equipment required for your home business.
• Travel costs (including local plus international flights/hotel when used for business purposes).
• Broadband costs.
• Office space.
• Entertainment expenses if your business involves courting new clients.
• Employee salary (you may work for your business and thus are entitled to pay yourself a salary).
An employee could never do this. For example, even if as an employee you have a PC you cannot write it off against your income tax. There is an outstanding book called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” that I strongly recommend that you get hold of. Read it once, twice, several times even. The basic premise of the book is the following…the poor and middle classes work for companies while the rich own companies.
Mindset Two – Multiple Streams Of Income Are Far Better Than Just One
We are fortunate enough to live in an age where almost anyone can set-up highly profitable income streams from their own study room. What is the most re
producing a large income stream? Have a number of different income streams all pulling in some cash for you each and everyday. This is very achievable and also presents a lot of security (in case in the future one of the income streams dries up).
Mindset Three Education, Education, Education!
You know the old saying “knowledge is power?” it has never been more true, especially as we are now firmly entrenched in the “information age”. The simple fact is that the more you educate yourself on different ways of making money, the more successful you will become at acquiring it. You are reading a really premium resource on ways of making money from home but even after you have finished reading, make it a point to continue your education on a regular basis. I know of some people who make absolute fortunes online and they all share one interesting characteristic the desire to learn more about the various ways of earning an income. Adopt this mentality and it will be only a matter of time before success and wealth hounds you down and forces itself on you. If you do thrive on video tutorials then check out some of these incredible online video tutorials. They would cost you over $200 if purchased separately (but are part of your membership with Instant Home Wealth).
Now we’re going to look at some of the proven ways that we can use to create income streams online, and from home.
Mindset Four Develop A Winning Mind
This one is huge the power of thought is absolutely incredible. If harnessed correctly, it WILL provide you with everything you could possibly ask for in life. Conversely, if used negatively it has the power to crush even the mightiest person.
Have you heard of a fellow named Jim Edwards? He is a very successful and influential online guru who has made a fortune earning a living using the power of the internet. A short while ago I signed up to his audio course called “Guaranteed Success Thinking”. This course shows anyone how to think their way to success. As Jim himself says, this information should really be sold at $29 at least however you can get hold of it for free below: liable and easiest way of
Publicado por LA ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA en 7:05 0 comentarios
Mindset One – Aiming For Your Own Business Instead Of Being An Employee
Have you heard the common belief that a job is far more secure than having your own business? For some reason this myth is conditioned into many people, usually from a young age. Yes, a job provides a stable and predictable income – but more secure than having your own business? I don’t think so…and allow me to elaborate.
As someone who lives in the UK and who has worked in one of the worlds leading investment banks I am only too well aware of how fickle “job security” actually is. You see, as an employee your entire purpose is to create or save revenues for the company. There is nothing wrong with that of course, but let’s analyse it from your point of view shall we? As an employee you can never expect to earn the actual value that you make or save for your company. Most of your efforts will be reaped by shareholders of the organization you work for…people who you do not even know. When the going is good the most you can expect a modest pay-rise/bonus now and again and the odd promotion (that brings even greater responsibility).
But when the times get hard you may notice that not only does your pay-rise stop but in many cases you are required to work even harder. That’s if you’re lucky. Unfortunately for many people, they quickly find that job security simply does not exist – many will face redundancy at some point in their life. Then what? They have only one skill – chances are if the company they work for is shedding jobs so will others in the same industry.
All of a sudden the employee who thought they were safe in a decent job is left on the shelf fighting to get another elusive jobs among hundreds (sometimes more) of competing employees. Where is the security there?
Then there is the small matter of tax. As an employee you will earn money, get taxed on your earnings and then use whatever is left to pay for living expenses and so on. Not so for the business owner – (I am talking about the UK here and I suspect the US too). You see, a business is one of the secret weapons of the rich. A business makes revenues (the equivalent of an employees salary) and then deducts every possible expense related to that revenue before paying even a penny of tax. Can you see the beauty of this? Just a few things that can be written off against business profits include the following:
• Computers & equipment required for your home business.
• Travel costs (including local plus international flights/hotel when used for business purposes).
• Broadband costs.
• Office space.
• Entertainment expenses if your business involves courting new clients.
• Employee salary (you may work for your business and thus are entitled to pay yourself a salary).
An employee could never do this. For example, even if as an employee you have a PC you cannot write it off against your income tax. There is an outstanding book called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” that I strongly recommend that you get hold of. Read it once, twice, several times even. The basic premise of the book is the following…the poor and middle classes work for companies while the rich own companies.
Mindset Two – Multiple Streams Of Income Are Far Better Than Just One
We are fortunate enough to live in an age where almost anyone can set-up highly profitable income streams from their own study room. What is the most re
producing a large income stream? Have a number of different income streams all pulling in some cash for you each and everyday. This is very achievable and also presents a lot of security (in case in the future one of the income streams dries up).
Mindset Three – Education, Education, Education!
You know the old saying “knowledge is power?” – it has never been more true, especially as we are now firmly entrenched in the “information age”. The simple fact is that the more you educate yourself on different ways of making money, the more successful you will become at acquiring it. You are reading a really premium resource on ways of making money from home – but even after you have finished reading, make it a point to continue your education on a regular basis. I know of some people who make absolute fortunes online and they all share one interesting characteristic – the desire to learn more about the various ways of earning an income. Adopt this mentality and it will be only a matter of time before success and wealth hounds you down and forces itself on you. If you do thrive on video tutorials then check out some of these incredible online video tutorials. They would cost you over $200 if purchased separately (but are part of your membership with Instant Home Wealth).
Now we’re going to look at some of the proven ways that we can use to create income streams online, and from home.
Mindset Four – Develop A Winning Mind
This one is huge – the power of thought is absolutely incredible. If harnessed correctly, it WILL provide you with everything you could possibly ask for in life. Conversely, if used negatively it has the power to crush even the mightiest person.
Have you heard of a fellow named Jim Edwards? He is a very successful and influential online guru who has made a fortune earning a living using the power of the internet. A short while ago I signed up to his audio course called “Guaranteed Success Thinking”. This course shows anyone how to think their way to success. As Jim himself says, this information should really be sold at $29 at least – however you can get hold of it for free below: liable and easiest way of
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